Assessing the ED Stroke Patient for Disability - What Are the Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them?

December 2, 2020
The NIH Stroke Scale is beneficial when used correctly but is has its limitations. Relying entirely on the NIHSS will miss significant disability in a number of patients. Acute stroke care demands more than just an NIHSS assessment.

What Lessons Have You Learned About Endovascular Therapy in COVID Patients and What Should We All Know?

December 2, 2020
Acute interventional management during the COVID pandemic requires a change of focus and practice. Challenges abound and danger exists at every decision point.

Controversies in Prehospital Medicine: Choosing the Destination Medical Center for Stroke Patients

December 2, 2020
Once a stroke is suspected in the field, it stands to reason that the destination matters for the patient. But how much does it matter and where should patients be taken? Data meets politics in this compelling podcast.

When Might You Use Heparin in the NeuroICU for a Stroke Patient?

December 2, 2020
Heparin in stroke remains controversial. Understanding the history and data and essential to mastering stroke care.

Are the NNT and NNH for tPA Useful or Misleading in Acute Stroke Care?

December 2, 2020
Stroke treatment data are hard to interpret and can be misleading. A lot of misinformation has made its way into the literature and has confounded acute stroke care. Understanding NNT and NNH can help clinicians understand risks and benefits in a meaningful way.
More Entries

Jan 25

What Key Lessons Have I Learned Managing Hemorrhagic Bleeding in the ICU & Critical Care?

Haemin Go posted on 1/25/2022

Moderator: Jordan Bonomo, MD, FCCM, FNCS
Other Participants: Kyle B. Walsh, MD, MS and Brandon Foreman, MD, MS, FACNS, FNCS


Drs. Foreman and Walsh share their expertise from the ICU and the ED in this deep dive into the management of ICH patients in the acute setting. From prognostics to treatment algorithms, these experts bring years of experience into focus for the listener as they discuss the lessons learned on the front lines of ICH care

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