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What Was Missing From the NINDS Trial?

December 4, 2020

Moderator: Jordan Bonomo, MD, FCCM, FNCS
Other Participants: Opeolu Adeoye, MD, MS FACEP, FAHA

The NINDS trial was the seminal study of IV-tPA in the treatment of acute stroke. Yet controversy still exists around the trial methodology and the interpretation of the data. Was anything missing from NINDS? Does it still resonate nearly 25 years later?

Dr. Opeolu (Ope) Adeoye sits down with Dr. Jordan Bonomo and shares his immense expertise in clinical trialing. As a researcher carrying over $30M in research funding, Dr. Adeoye is an internationally recognized stroke trialist and methodologist. In this podcast, he talks about the challenges of the NINDS trial, what was really well done and what could have been different. “Time critical diagnosis” is the term he wields in this exciting and thought provoking podcast.

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